2014年12月31日 星期三

Interactive Git Tutorials

To be completely honest, I find Git to be a dry subject. But a version control system is essential to a modern dev workflow so I had to learn it. Any good VCS is fine but Git seems to be the most popular. So I went with Git.

What made learning Git easier for me were web-based interactive tutorials and online courses. They made the task more fun and engaging, which in turn made it less tempting to give up on. Plus they didn’t require me to install and configure Git on my computer, so I was able to explore and experiment right away.

Here’s a list of three free interactive tutorials that can help you learn Git. They are organized in order of difficulty, and I suggest using them sequentially from top to bottom.

Developers who use the following tutorials should be able to get their Git knowledge up to an adequate level.

1. Try Git

Try Git is an interactive tutorial that’s an excellent intro for first-time Git users. It goes over essential Git commands — the stuff you’ll likely use day-to-day — such as creating a Git repository, committing changes and working with remotes.

It’s a lightning-fast crash course designed to be completed in 15 minutes.

2. Git Real (Introduction)

Git Real (Introduction)

Git Real is an interactive online course on Code School. It has video instructions and provides hands-on interactive challenges.

Only the first level of the Git Real course (aptly named “Introduction”) is free, but the level covers the key things you’d want to know about Git. Think of this level as a more detailed overview of Git compared to Try Git.

What I like about the entire Git Real course is it’s focused on things we’ll likely use during web development.

3. Learn Git Branching

<img src="http://cdn.sixrevisions.com/0479-03-git-tutorial-learn-git-branching.png" …read more

The post Interactive Git Tutorials appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.
