2014年8月28日 星期四

Create a Visual Average of Your Instagram Images With Metagramme

metagramme1 Create a Visual Average of Your Instagram Images With Metagramme

“Average” typically sounds boring, but the average image generator from Metagramme charms your inner art lover with a cool, dreamy post-impressionist masterpiece. Think of this as a continuously changing Van Gogh #latergram, thanks to the makers at T2D.

In order to create this digital art piece, Metagramme collects the last 32 Instagram images from your stream and overlays them on top of one another. The result is an indistinguishable composition of light and color – a blotchy mélange of your digital specter.

Head over to Metagramme to make your own, but do so later because the site is overloaded at the moment.

Here are some samples from other users:



private user

private user

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The post Create a Visual Average of Your Instagram Images With Metagramme appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.
