2014年9月27日 星期六

It Might Be Time to Develop a Global Twitter Strategy [Infographic]

TheGlobalGuidetoTwitterMentions Final It Might Be Time to Develop a Global Twitter Strategy [Infographic]

Mentions, whether direct or indirect, have become a more global phenomenon. An infographic from Mention uses its new geo-location tools to break down where in the world your company mentions are coming from.

The company collected and analyzed 70 million mentions over two months to see how geographically diverse the response can be. The U.S. represented 41.5 percent of all mentions, which is bigger than any one country — but that still means that nearly 60 percent of the talk about your company comes from overseas.

Great Britain came in second place, with almost 10 percent percent of mentions, followed by France at 5.4 percent, Canada at 4.3 percent and India at 3.9 percent. Companies shouldn’t fear this, they just need to respond to their audience correctly.

The infographic offers these tips for a global Twitter strategy:

  • Monitor where your audience is tweeting from.

  • Schedule tweets for every time zone.

  • Consider tweeting in different languages to engage a more diverse audience.

To see which countries provide the most positive mentions, view the infographic below:

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The post It Might Be Time to Develop a Global Twitter Strategy [Infographic] appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.
