2014年8月31日 星期日

How To Create a Double Exposure Effect in Photoshop

double exposure effect sm How To Create a Double Exposure Effect in Photoshop

Traditionally the double exposure effect is produced by photographers using nothing but their camera to combine two separate photographs to create an abstract and surreal image. However, we can also mimic the effect in Photoshop, which actually gives us more control over the final output with the ability to adjust and preview the effect as we go. Follow this step by step tutorial to create a double exposure effect yourself, we’ll blend two existing photographs together with the help of some simple clipping and masking techniques.

The double exposure effect isn’t just popular with photographers, it’s a technique that artists and designers can use to create cool abstract artwork. You can see this effect used in the real world on album covers and even during opening titles of popular TV series. Today we’re going to focus on mimicking the traditional effect in Photoshop. It’s a relatively simple process but the final result mostly depends on a good match of two complementing photographs. For some inspiration, browse some great examples of double exposure images on Pinterest.

A popular combination of photographs is a portrait with a scene of nature, so I’ve picked out some cool images from free stock photo websites. First, we have a female side profile from Stockvault.net. Aim to find a portrait with a clean background, otherwise it will be difficult to clip out the subject. The second image I’ve chosen is a beautiful landscape scene from Unsplash. One of the benefits of creating this effect in Photoshop is you can test out multiple images to find the best match, so download a few contenders to see which one looks the best!

2 How To Create a Double Exposure Effect in Photoshop

Begin by clipping out the subject from the portrait photograph. Use the Pen too and closely follow the outline of the person’s profile.

3 How To Create a Double Exposure Effect in Photoshop

Roughly follow the outline of the hair, cutting into the portrait by a few pixels to avoid capturing the background between the loose hair strands.

4 How To Create a Double Exposure Effect in Photoshop

Follow the path all the way around the image, making rough clicks outside of the canvas until you reach the start, then complete the path. Right click and select Make Selection from the menu then enter 0.5px in the Feather Radius option.

5 How To Create a Double Exposure Effect in Photoshop

Now let’s work on that rough hair line. Go to Select > Refine Edge and begin altering the Edge Detection Radius and Shift Edge options to bring the hair line into the selection.

6 How To Create a Double Exposure Effect in Photoshop

Extending the edge selection will also bring in areas of the background around the face. Select the Erase Refinements Tool from the Brush icon in the Refine Edge panel and paint over any areas of unwanted background.

7 How To Create a Double Exposure Effect in Photoshop

Change the brush to the Refine Radius tool then paint around the hair line to capture any stray hairs that aren’t yet in the selection.

8 How To Create a Double Exposure Effect in Photoshop

Copy this new selection from the Background and paste it onto a new layer. Add a layer with a white fill below it to isolate the portrait.

9 How To Create a Double Exposure Effect in Photoshop

Open up the landscape image and paste it into the working document. CMD+Click the thumbnail of the portrait in the Layers panel to load its selection then click the Add Layer Mask icon to clip the background to the outline of the portrait.

10 How To Create a Double Exposure Effect in Photoshop

Unlink the image from its mask by clicking the chain icon between the thumbnails in the Layers panel. This will allow you to move and scale the image independently from its mask, so the mask will stay in place while you find the best composition.

11 How To Create a Double Exposure Effect in Photoshop

Duplicate the portrait cut out layer and drag it to the top of the stack. Open up the Levels adjustment (Image > Adjustments > Levels) and begin darkening the image by moving the Input and Output level sliders.

12 How To Create a Double Exposure Effect in Photoshop

Change the blending mode of this new portrait layer to Screen to render all the dark areas transparent. The darkening of the image with the Levels will leave just a faint ghostly image, which can be tweaked with extra layer opacity adjustment.

13 How To Create a Double Exposure Effect in Photoshop

Add a Layer Mask to this ghostly portrait layer and use a large soft brush to erase away some areas to blend it in. Painting black onto a layer mask will erase areas while painting white will bring them back.

14 How To Create a Double Exposure Effect in Photoshop

Sample a light colour from the image and replace the fill colour of the white background layer.

15 How To Create a Double Exposure Effect in Photoshop

This particular image silhouette has a strange shape on top of the head where the hair was lifted, but it can be blended in by painting a sampled background colour on a new layer with a soft brush.

16 How To Create a Double Exposure Effect in Photoshop

Add a Black & White Adjustment Layer then reduce its opacity to around 30% to wash out the colour of the image.

17 How To Create a Double Exposure Effect in Photoshop

Next, add a Levels adjustment layer and fine tune the contrast of the image by clipping the highlights and shadows.

18 How To Create a Double Exposure Effect in Photoshop

Finally, add a Gradient Map and create a split toned style colour scheme. I’ve gone for a light beige highlight (#e2d9d1), a dull brown midtone (#52463b) and a dark blue shadow (#0e1133). Change the blending mode of the Gradient Map layer to Color.

The completed image boasts the full double exposure effect and looks great with the extra colour filters. The sharp lines of the silhouette really stand out from the background while the addition of the subtle ghostly portrait layer being back some facial details. Unlike the traditional camera method though, this artwork can be changed and altered, allowing you to test out different backgrounds combinations and see the result as you work.

Download the source file

The post How To Create a Double Exposure Effect in Photoshop appeared first on Blog.SpoonGraphics.

The post How To Create a Double Exposure Effect in Photoshop appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.

Changes to Our API

Today, we’re announcing two upcoming changes to our API:

We’re introducing a new requirement that all API users set a user agent

We’re retiring the “current_commission_rate” field (on the “account” method) and the “rate” field (on the “recent sales” method).

From October 1, 2014, both changes will apply to ALL versions of our API.

Why are we introducing the user agent requirement?

Several times during the past few months, we experienced surges in traffic which required us to temporarily route traffic through a Denial of Service filtering system. One of the filters rejects all HTTP traffic without a user agent in the header, as this is a common “attack vector” for malicious traffic.

Unfortunately, many users of our API do not currently set a user agent when making API requests, and their traffic was blocked on these occasions. This led to a poor experience for our API users, which we want to avoid in future.

Why are we removing the “current_commission_rate” and “rate” fields?

We’re retiring these fields because they no longer accurately represent our fee structure following today’s changes to our business model. Please see our business model announcement for more information.

What do I need to do?

Before October 1, 2014, please modify any programs, scripts, apps or plugins that use the API to:

Ensure they have a user agent

No longer rely on calls to the “current_commission_rate” or “rate” fields.

If these changes have not been made by October 1, any programs, scripts, apps or plugins that use our API may stop working as expected. We apologize for any inconvenience, and appreciate your understanding.

API survey

While we’re on the subject, we’d love to know how you use the API, what you use it for and how we can make it better. Please fill out the following form if you’d like to help us and/or receive future updates about the API.

The post Changes to Our API appeared first on Market Blog.

The post Changes to Our API appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.

Author Rundown of Buyer Services Changes

Today we’ve announced immediate and upcoming changes aimed squarely at buyers. With a million and a half active buyers, and over four million members, we’re upping our game to serve those buyers better. Happier and more prolific buyers ultimately mean more author earnings.

The announcement is the first in a stream of work we’ve been building towards all year to improve the buyer experience. While we’ve already put out a lot of improvements this year, the majority are yet to come and include heavyweight changes like licensing, search facets and a shopping cart, as well as smaller improvements to watermarking and refunds workflow.

You can read the buyer announcement here.

Why the Changes to Fee Structure?

Envato Market is a two-sided marketplace. As a company founded and run by authors, our focus has historically been a little one-sided. As part of our effort to lift the user experience across the sites, we’re changing our fee structure to split into a buyer fee and author fee. Businesses focus on where their revenue comes from, and we’d like to bring buyers more into the picture.

To put it simply when you charge someone money, like a Buyer Fee, the first thing they ask is “What am I getting for this?” That’s actually a good question for Envato to be answering because we’ll end up doing a better job. In fact one of the first things we’re doing is adding a new Why Buy With Us page. This marks one of the first times we’ve actually had a page deliberately aimed at buyers!

How Do the Fees Work?

When you sell an item on Envato Market, the total purchase price will be made up of your item price plus Envato’s fee to the buyer. You’ll earn your item price minus any Envato author fees. Those author fees continue to be dependent on whether you sell exclusively and your all-time sales to date.

Exclusive Authors

Our author fee to exclusive authors will be between 12.5%-37.5% of the license price. So for example when an item sells for $100 the breakdown of fees looks like this:

The Become an Author page has a more visual representation of this breakdown, complete with a slider.

Non-Exclusive Authors

Our author fee to non-exclusive authors is 55% of the license price. So for example when an item sells for $100 the breakdown of fees looks like this:

Non-exclusive authors see a slight decrease in our fees, as we work towards a more competitive non-exclusive program. We’re expecting this change to benefit authors most in media markets like Photos, Footage and Vectors. This is part of the Media push we outlined in the 2014 Roadmap.

Handling Fees

On ‘buy now’ transactions (i.e. not using prepaid credit), buyers pay a handling fee. We’re reducing the fee down to $1 for items less than $10, and removing it entirely from items over $75. Importantly for authors, as of today this fee will be purely from Envato to the buyer (so authors will derive no revenue from it).

Changing the handling fee is part of a plan we have to remove it entirely, and the change away from sharing this with authors gives us flexibility to chop and change it during this period.

Today’s change is also leading the way for our shopping cart release where buyers will be purchasing items from multiple authors at once. We expect to see more conversions to purchases as we continue to roll out these reductions to the handling fee.

Is the move to Buyer Fees and Services a move away from Authors?

The short answer is no. The longer answer is that we’re going to be aiming to do more for both groups. We see serving buyers better as a way of growing the entire marketplace, which in turn will be better for authors selling on Envato Market.

You can expect to see more features aimed at helping buyers in the coming year, particularly around helping them finding things to purchase, helping them make the purchase, and where they need help, getting it to them. This is all in line with our 2014 Roadmap and will be a set of recurring themes in the 2015 Roadmap early next year.

What Author Services does Envato provide?

Just as it’s important that our fees to buyers are reflective of the services we provide, our author platform fee reflects the services we provide authors. Chief among these is access to a huge market of a million and a half active buyers, and the marketing and SEO that powers that market. Secondly we handle the ecommerce services you need to sell – all the legal and licensing work, processing payments, hosting and delivering files, creating invoices and receipts, and so on. And finally we offer authors a platform to connect to other authors, get feedback from reviewers, and be part of a community.

We weight our platform fee to favour exclusives because it’s a lot easier to build a pool of buyers when you have an awesome, distinctive marketplace of items. In places like PhotoDune where our content can be mostly found elsewhere, we have to spend a lot more time and effort to attract buyers, and this is reflected in our fee structure.

Author Driven Refunds

We’re working up a new refund workflow to improve buyer satisfaction, giving them clearer expectations of when and why we offer refunds, and building better metrics around refunds so we can start to analyse this aspect of buying. Along the way we’re working on tools for authors to drive their own refunds.

There are times, particularly relating to item support, where an author wants to offer a buyer a refund. We’re working on a system to give authors the tools to do this at their discretion (and of course our fees will be refunded too). These will be available in the coming months and will give authors more flexibility to give buyers great service.

Until the new tools are released, authors can get in touch with our support team to help get buyers refunded. We already process a small number of author requested refunds in this manner and can continue to do so – though it’s a very manual process at the moment and has some delay. Our improved tooling will make the whole workflow a lot more efficient.

API / Screenscraper Changes From the Fee Structure Change

You’ll see that we’ve updated the way we describe our fee structures across Envato Market. Importantly statements and the API no longer show rates and total prices in the way that they used to. We apologize for the inconvenience this causes tools built on the API and screenscraping and are getting in touch with the creators of those tools to get them updated. You can read more about the API Changes in this post.

Answering Your Questions

There was a long period in Envato’s history where our capacity for change was absorbed in expansion. This year we’ve been focusing down hard on improving the Market experience. Overall this is a great thing, however it does mean we’ve got a lot of changes come through in quick succession!

There are a lot of different types of changes you’ll be seeing. Some are pretty low impact like the new footer or improved terms & conditions language. Others have long-reaching ramifications like our first attempt at item support policies last week, or today’s fee structure adjustment. Still others will have high impact for buyers, but less for authors – like the shopping cart and search facets.

Throughout this change period, I’d like to assure the author community that we’re working towards a better Envato Market and that we’ll be available to discuss on the forums, and as we did last week – respond to feedback!

With that said, I’ll be around on the forums over the next few days here on this thread to answer questions about these buyer services announcements.

The post Author Rundown of Buyer Services Changes appeared first on Market Blog.

The post Author Rundown of Buyer Services Changes appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.

A More Balanced Envato Market

Today Envato Market serves one and a half million active buyers from around the world, connecting them with the work of thousands of talented authors. We have always been an author focused community, our core value being that When The Community Succeeds, We Succeed. As we hinted earlier in the year in our 2014 Roadmap, we’re now focusing on lifting the user experience of Envato Market across the board. As a two-sided marketplace, we want to take a holistic view and bring buyer needs into focus in everything we do. After all, the best way we can serve our authors is to deliver an increasing number of happy buyers into the community. Our goal is to create a really fantastic experience that benefits both buyers and authors in the long term.

This has been a deep shift in our thinking, influenced by discussions and research not only with individual buyers, but larger agency buyers as well. We believe it will ultimately yield a better marketplace for both authors and buyers. We’re setting sail on this course with changes over the next two months to improve the purchase experience, reflect our two-sided marketplace in our fee structure, and provide the foundation for more buyer-oriented improvements in the new year.

Reducing Handling Fees

Buyers paying without using deposited credit, will now pay less in handling fees. We’re reducing the handling fee on items under $10 to just $1. We’re also starting to wind back the handling fees on expensive items, so there won’t be any fee on items over $75. And of course buyers using prepaid credit will continue to pay no handling fees.

Better Licensing on AudioJungle

Envato Market’s AudioJungle continues to be the highest sales volume stock audio marketplace in the world. Last week we announced that we’re upping the game on AudioJungle with an improved suite of licensing that will give clarity for high volume uses like film and broadcast as well as clearer expectations on popular regular uses.

Improved Watermarking on Images

This week we’re getting prepped to roll out improvements to the watermarking on both GraphicRiver and Photodune, with a new less intrusive watermark, as well as unwatermarking categories that don’t need them. We think this will help your browsing and buying experience when purchasing images.

Search Facets

All year our search team has been hard at work improving how you find great items on Envato Market. Some of these changes, like our Trending Filter or Rollover Video Previews, are visible, but most have been under the hood tweaks to relevancy algorithms. We’re very excited, however, to be on the cusp of releasing one of the more visible search changes we have in store – search facets! These will add more filters to search listings to help you drill-down to the items you want.

Better Buying Tools

Finding items is great, unless you can’t keep track of them all. And let’s face it, with a library as vast as the Market’s, that’s entirely doable! That’s why our Purchase team has been busy building a shopping cart for much of the year. We’re getting close to releasing the first iteration of the cart for logged-in users. Look out for it a little later this year.

Continued Commitment to Customer Service

We’ve moved our Envato support team over to a brand new Zendesk system and we’re now rolling together a detailed help centre system to help customers find answers faster through a self-service system. This will free up our team of twenty five support staff to deliver better answers to the more complicated queries, shorten wait times and improve satisfaction. We’re still in transition phase, which means our response times are not yet as fast as we’d like, but they’re heading down and we’re confident this trend will continue. We’re also building a better refunds workflow to help us provide a clearer, happier experience for buyers, and to give authors the power to refund transactions.

Changing our Fee Structure

We’re a two sided marketplace and today we’re changing our business model and fee structure to reflect this. When you purchase an item from Envato Market you’ll be able to see the breakdown of the item price from the author to you, and our service fee on top. Businesses focus on where their revenue comes from. Switching to a two-sided fee structure will help us focus on both sides of the marketplace to ensure we earn our fees. This change takes effect today, so your next purchase will include this fee breakdown on your statement and receipt.

We’ve updated our terms and conditions to reflect these changes, and we encourage all users to read through those documents.

What Services does Envato Provide?

Envato is trusted by a million and a half active buyers because of the services we provide. Our team of expert reviewers curates and qualifies all our content before pricing it consistently and competitively. That huge library forms the broadest range of creative goods of any digital marketplace and is available through a single, simple interface and account system complete with powerful search and sorting, collections, special offers, bundles and deals. We provide customer care for using the platform and help buyers connect with the best authors from all around the world.

What’s Next?

We’ve got much more coming for our loyal buyers including a ramp-up in our footage library, corporate/volume buyer services, clearer item support processes and systems for themes and plugins, and much more.

For Authors

Are you an author? Read all about what’s changing in rates, fees, and other changes that affect authors.

You can also find a discussion thread on the forums here.

The post A More Balanced Envato Market appeared first on Market Blog.

The post A More Balanced Envato Market appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.

To the contributors

logo design love 2 01 To the contributors

Five years after the first edition of Logo Design Love was published, the second edition is now available. A huge thank you to the following people and studios.

160over90 (@160over90)


Adrian Hanft

Andrew Sabatier (@andrewsabatier)

Antonio Carusone (@AisleOne)

Believe in (@believeindesign)

Blair Enns (@blairenns)

Bravo Company (@bravo_company)

Brian Alexander Gray

Bunch (@BunchDesign)

David Hyde

Gerard Huerta (@gerardhuerta)

Glad Creative (@GladCreative)

High Tide (@HighTideNY)

ico (@icodesign)

id29 (@id29)

Ivan Chermayeff

Jerry Kuyper

johnson banks (@johnsonbanks)

Jon Large

Kevin Burr (@KevinBurr)

Lindon Leader (@LindonLeader)

Maggie Macnab (@MaggieMacnab)

Malcolm Grear Designers (@MGDesigners)

MetaDesign (@MetaDesignSF)

Moon Brand

Moving Brands (@movingbrands)

Nancy Wu (@nancywudesign)


Pentagram (@pentagram)

Richard Weston (@AceJet170)

Roy Smith (@F1REBRAND)

Sagmeister & Walsh (@sagmeisterwalsh)

smashLAB (@smashLAB)

SomeOne (@SomeOnes_Tweet)

Stephen Lee Ogden


Thoughtful Studios

UnderConsideration (@ucllc)

It’s a pleasure including your work and thoughts.

logo design love 2 03 To the contributors

logo design love 2 09 To the contributors

logo design love 2 16 To the contributors

And much respect to Nikki, Cathy, Danielle, Liz, and David — the team behind the publishing scenes.

See more inside spreads. Available to buy from these booksellers.

The post To the contributors appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.

Video of the Week: Game of Thrones VFX Breakdown

Rodeo FX, the team responsible for over 150 visual effects for the 4th season of The Game of Thrones, have this week released a before and after breakdown movie that highlights those remarkable effects in action.

As well as being responsible for Stannis’ horse-backed army attacking the Wildlings camp scene and generating the impressive city of Meereen with the huge attacking Unsullied army, they also created the memorable and creepy White Walker scene where a baby is laid on an altar and turned into a glowing blue eyed and pale skinned zombie.

As you will see from the video, their work is truly remarkable.

The city of Meereen created by Rodeo FX.

After watching the video I’ve just realized that we’re going to have to wait until next April for season 5. Feeling a little sad now.

The post Video of the Week: Game of Thrones VFX Breakdown appeared first on Market Blog.

The post Video of the Week: Game of Thrones VFX Breakdown appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.

ABS Metal Recycling

ABS Metal Recycling l ABS Metal Recycling

The post ABS Metal Recycling appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.

Come Into My Arms,Teemo


The post Come Into My Arms,Teemo appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.

BTL Brands

BTL Brands l BTL Brands

The post BTL Brands appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.

Bright Yellow Business Card

Protect Your Shipment

Protect your shipment l Protect Your Shipment

The post Protect Your Shipment appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.

Paper Lettering

Paper lettering l Paper Lettering

The post Paper Lettering appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.


Coffee l Coffee

The post Coffee appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.

2014年8月30日 星期六

Social Media Jobs: Uncharted Play, ASME, Current

This week, Uncharted Play is hiring a community manager, while ASME needs a manager of social media. Current is seeking a senior social media strategist, and IQ Solutions is on the hunt for a senior media officer. Get the scoop on these openings below, and find additional social media jobs on Mediabistro.

Find more great social media jobs on our job board. Looking to hire? Tap into our network of talented SocialTimes pros and post a risk-free job listing. For real-time openings and employment news, follow @MBJobPost.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

The post Social Media Jobs: Uncharted Play, ASME, Current appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.

A Week in Review N.03

Envato Roundup

Collis announced on Monday our new support plans for ThemeForest and CodeCanyon, and followed it up on Wednesday with a second post to answer your forum questions.

Tuts+ this week launched the Tuts+ Translation Project, and they’ve already published almost 200 translations in more than a dozen languages!

Envato Studio introduced their new affiliate program.

We announced some fresh and forthcoming changes to music licensing, which we’ll be launching in the next few weeks.

Dan Michael was interviewed on wpContent this week, discussing the work he does as the Envato Elite Program Manager.

This weeks Envato Stories featured Rizki Ratria (r4pro).

The Design Community

Heather Burns has this week talked about how some e-commerce dark patterns are now illegal in the UK.

Erik Spiekermann admits to being obsessive about his work, but refuses to be classified as weird and unusual.

Would you like to quickly learn something new? How about reading the ins and outs of Google PageSpeed Insights.

We published a handy round-up of addons & plugins for extending Bootstrap.

According to Wired, Instagram’s new Hyperlapse app is like a’$15,000 video setup in your hand‘.

Sani Yusuf, for Tuts+, published a fantastic tutorial on creating your first app for Windows Phone 8.

Here is a useful list of must-watch videos about CSS from Matt Smith.

Medium’s CSS is apparently ‘pretty f***** good.‘!

Just in case you didn’t know, Twitter Analytics is now available to everyone!

Don’t forget, WordPress 4.0 is less than a week away.

Resources Worth Exploring

Slap is a ‘Sublime-like’ terminal-based editor with the aim of making editing from the terminal that little bit easier.

Timesheet.js is a JavaScript library for creating simple HTML5 & CSS3 time sheets.

D3 based, C3.js is a customizable and easy-to-use library that enables deeper integration of charts into web applications.

Hoverlytics is a useful Chrome Extension that allows you to view the analytics for your website’s pages, simply by hovering over their links.

…and finally…

A Single Div is a fun project to see how much can actually be accomplished with CSS. Every single drawing on the page consists of a single HTML element and, of course, CSS. Amazing stuff!

The post A Week in Review N.03 appeared first on Market Blog.

The post A Week in Review N.03 appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.

Twilio University

Twilio University l Twilio University

The post Twilio University appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.

Captain Atom

Captain Atom l Captain Atom

The post Captain Atom appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.

Mateusz Dembek

Mateusz Dembek l Mateusz Dembek

The post Mateusz Dembek appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.

Hand Rendered Typography Business Cards


Flamingo l Flamingo

The post Flamingo appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.

The Greatest of All Time

The Greatest of all Time l The Greatest of All Time

The post The Greatest of All Time appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.

Just Another Elephant

Just another elephant l Just Another Elephant

The post Just Another Elephant appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.

2014年8月29日 星期五

Through the Google lens: search trends August 22-28

Trends Emmy Social Moments2014 Through the Google lens: search trends August 22 28

It was a busy week for entertainment junkies with the Emmys and VMAs, and the cat was out of the bag for Sanrio fans after a surprising piece of news. Read on for more on the last week in search:

And the Emmy goes to…

Though Breaking Bad took home the top honors at Monday’s Emmy Awards, people searched less for the acclaimed drama than for some of the event’s other, more unexpected happenings. American Horror Story‘s I want my MTV

The other awards show making news this week was MTV’s Video Music Awards. As can only be expected at this point, Beyoncé’s performance was the highlight of the night; the day after the show, there were more than 50,000 searches for [beyonce vma performance] as people scrambled to re-live (or catch up with) the spectacle. But part of Bey’s appeal this time was actually her daughter, Blue Ivy, who appeared on stage (as well as in multiple GIFs, natch) to steal the show like only an adorable child can. Searchers were dazzled by performances by Ariana Grande (in a crystal onesie), Rita Ora (with diamonds in her manicure) and Iggy Azalea. Finally, Katy Perry and Riff Raff’s double denim red carpet tribute to that VMA power couple of the past, Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears, had people giggling—and searching.

Trouble out west

After a nine-year-old in Arizona accidentally shot and killed her shooting instructor with an Uzi, people came to Google to learn more about the incident, which has sparked debates throughout the country. And the largest earthquake to hit the San Francisco Bay Area in 20+ years shook up Napa and surrounding counties this weekend, leading people to the web to learn more about the damage.

Raining [searches for] cats and dogs

Sanrio fans worldwide got some startling news this week: Hello Kitty is not a kitty. According to the Japanese company, she is a little girl. Whatever her species, she was a top trend in search this week. And for those of you who aren’t cat fans (in which case, do you even like the Internet?), there was National Dog Day, Tuesday’s top search and—if you ask us—a great excuse for thousands of people to share photos of their own favorite man’s best friend.

Tip of the week

Don’t let delays ruin your long weekend. To help you decide whether it’s faster to bike or take transit to your Labor Day destination, Google Search can show you all of your transportation options and estimated travel times on a single card. Just tap the mic and say “Ok Google, what’s the traffic like to AT&T Park” and easily switch between transportation modes to determine which route works best for you.

Commute%2B7%2B %2BGoogle%2B Through the Google lens: search trends August 22 28

Posted by Emily Wood, Google Blog Editor, who searched this week for [brandy creek beach] and [delirium series]

The post Through the Google lens: search trends August 22-28 appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.

Somebody: A Clever Messaging App Film from Comedian Miranda July

Somebody 2014 still 04 Somebody: A Clever Messaging App Film from Comedian Miranda July

The sharing economy is getting crowded: apartments, cars and even dinner tables — but what about personal interactions and real-life conversations? Comedian and writer Miranda July takes that question and applies it to her latest short-film for the clothing brand, Miu Miu, which perfectly captures “the strange tenderness of contemporary relationships.”

Somebody — not just anybody – is a clever parody app that lets you pick random strangers to deliver personal messages to friends or enemies. Just like Lyft or Uber, you can even rate their performance once you receive your in-person message from a special Somebody.

Use Somebody when…

…you want to confess your love but you don’t actually want to confess your love. (Write a script for your stand-in that includes the direction [Nervous.])

…you want to send an appealing stranger to your friend. (But read his ratings and reviews first!)

…you can’t go to the party but you want your presence felt. (Send a stand-in to compliment the host!)

…you want to meet new people nearby. (Pick a floating message and deliver it!)

…you want to create a once-in-a-lifetime, real, unpredictable experience for a friend!

When you can’t be there… Somebody can.

The app is currently available in the App Store, but there are only so many users and few hotspots sponsored by Miu Miu. Think museums or the Venice Film Festival, where the short had its world premiere.

Current Hotspots to send messages to Somebody:

Los Angeles County Museum of Art (with a presentation by Ms. July on Sept. 11), The New Museum (presentation on Oct. 9), Yerba Buena Center for The Arts (San Francisco), Portland Institute of Contemporary Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, The Walker Art Center (Minneapolis), and Museo Jumex (Mexico City.) Museum-goers are invited to send and deliver messages in these spaces where there are likely to be other users.

You can also invite users to the app and create your own hotspot, though that might diminish the fun a bit if all the users are people you know.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

The post Somebody: A Clever Messaging App Film from Comedian Miranda July appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.

Google Removes Authorship From Search Results

GoogleAuthorship Google Removes Authorship From Search Results

Yesterday, Google announced that it would stop showing authorship information in the search results. This news may be a bit of a surprise for those who did the work to implement authorship over the years. But it turns out, this particular tool from Google simply hasn’t proven very helpful.

“Unfortunately, we’ve also observed that this information isn’t as useful to our users as we’d hoped, and can even distract from those results,” wrote John Mueller, Google web trends analyst, in the announcement. He added that authorship doesn’t have an impact on traffic either way, “nor does it increase clicks on ads.”

While some might be surprised, Google was already making the transition away from authorship. In June, author photos were removed from the search results, with Mueller saying the goal was to unify the user experience on mobile and desktop, according to Search Engine Land.

It may be too soon to draw conclusions about what this move means for the future of Google+, but this looks more like Google is shifting further from its former stance on real and verified identities. Authorship was an experiment with influence that Google search users didn’t find useful. In fact, some users found it distracting, according to Mueller.

Bottom line, says TechCrunch contributor Frederic Lardinois, “When it comes to its search results page, Google just looks at what works and what doesn’t,” and this is a case of the feature simply not working.

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Walmart Dominates #BackToSchool Social Campaigns [Infographic]

backtoschoolinfographic Walmart Dominates #BackToSchool Social Campaigns [Infographic]

Just like President’s Day brings discount couches, the back-to-school season brings big box retail onto social media in full force. A new infographic from Engagor details which brands won #BackToSchool.

There were 963,542 mentions from August 1st to August 24th, which mentioned the top big box retailers. Wal-Mart received the most brand mentions: 232,210. Kohl’s and Macy’s followed with 200,899 and 148,571 mentions respectively.

Wal-Mart also had the highest response rate for its consumers — 2,625 — and the fastest average response time to queries, at 33 minutes. JCPenny came in second for response rate, but Macy’s was the second fastest responder. Staples responded 1,101 times, giving it third place, and despite an average response time of one hour and 22 minutes, Target was third fastest.

Macy’s is the clear winner when it comes to response sentiment, with almost 75 percent positive feedback to 0.91 percent negative. Old Navy received 26.85 percent positive to 2.51 percent negative, and JCPenny saw 10.12 percent positive to 0.22 percent negative feedback.

To see which retailers had the most popular individual posts and hashtag campaigns, view the infographic below:

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

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Famed Syrian Cartoonist Turns Pen To James Foley — And Ire On Obama

enhanced 1057 1409308942 1 Famed Syrian Cartoonist Turns Pen To James Foley — And Ire On Obama

Ali Ferzat, an award-winning satirist and cartoonist, takes on the Foley murder with a new drawing, exclusively published here. “We thought this would only affect the people of the Middle East. But now it has affected the United States directly.”

By Ali Ferzat

ISTANBUL — The subjects that have turned up in Ali Ferzat’s crosshairs for more than three decades range from hunger and oppression to corrupt generals and brutal politicians. Born in the Syrian city of Hama in 1951, the world-renowned satirist and cartoonist, considered one of the greatest living artists in the Middle East, has kept his focus local, finding hypocrisy and suffering around the region — and often at home.

The struggles of the Syrian people appear frequently in his award-winning political cartoons, which has led to dire personal consequences. In 2011, after Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad met peaceful protests with brutal crackdowns, Ferzat began to target him more directly than ever: showing Assad inflating his stature in a fun house mirror, or trying to hitch a ride with a fleeing Muammar al-Qaddafi. One day Ferzat was seized by the regime’s police, who beat him savagely, taking special care to smash his hands.

Ferzat continued his work from exile in Kuwait — one famous self-portrait shows him in his hospital bed, flashing a middle finger with a bandaged hand — as Syria spiraled into civil war. The U.N. announced on Friday that more than 3 million Syrians are now refugees, with almost half of the population displaced from their homes. Yet in the murder of U.S. journalist James Foley, beheaded by an extremist militant in Syria in a video released last week, Ferzat saw a tragedy that extended the country’s suffering overseas. “We thought this would only affect the people of the Middle East,” he said, speaking by phone from his office in Kuwait. “But now it has affected the United States directly.”

Ferzat decided to express this with a new cartoon, published above, which he has provided to BuzzFeed exclusively. It paints Foley’s death in the same context as Ferzat and many Syrians see the cycle of bloodshed in their country — as a product of Assad’s brutality and Barack Obama’s indifference. “Obama has dropped the banner of freedom from the United States,” Ferzat says. “Or put another way, he is the worst president the U.S. has ever seen. And not doing anything while radical groups expand in Syria and people are being slaughtered is the biggest proof of his failure.”

The cartoon recreates the harrowing scene of Foley’s death, with the journalist on his knees and a robed militant at his side, holding a knife. Foley was executed by a member of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, the extremist group that declared caliphate in June. Yet the militant in Ferzat’s drawing has the face of Assad, because many Syrians blame him for aiding the rise of extremists to undermine the uprising — either by supporting them directly, or by choosing to attack more moderate opponents while allowing extremists to thrive.

On the other side of Foley — who has “USA” written across his chest, to broaden his plight to all Americans — stands Obama, dressed as a medieval priest. He seems to bless the proceedings, waving incense in the air. “Obama right now, his role in Syria looks like he is blessing the acts of ISIS and other terrorist organizations, and that is the major idea of the drawing,” Ferzat says. “Of course not directly, but by not dealing with the issue, it’s almost as if he’s blessing this terrorist organization. Not in a political way, but in a human way, by him not helping or doing anything to stop these people from expanding.”

The U.S. began airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq earlier this month, but it has so far refrained from targeting the group in Syria. And in an address on Thursday night, Obama seemed to tamp down expectations that he would soon expand the military campaign across the border. “We don’t have a strategy yet,” he said.

Despite Obama’s calls for Assad to step down, many Syrians blame him for refusing to help the armed opposition topple the regime, and U.S.-backed moderate rebels have been sidelined by better-funded Islamist rivals. As extremists gain strength, Assad has positioned himself both domestically and abroad as the best alternative — which Ferzat says was his strategy all along. “The continuance of terrorism in Syria means the continuance of the regime,” he says. “And if it weren’t for Obama’s hesitation, we would never have reached this point.”

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Acrobatic Pilot Performs Ice Bucket Challenge While Flying

IceBucket Acrobatic Pilot Performs Ice Bucket Challenge While Flying

Many Ice Bucket Challenges come and go – but few get airborne. That’s why we’re thoroughly impressed with this watery, in-air acrobatic maneuver from pilot Bruce Bohannon, who manages to use gravity to do the frigid dumping.

In the video below, you’ll see him take flight with a small bucket of iced-water strapped to his chest. During a complete loop, he manages to get the water to drench him as the plane is inverted. No damage was done to the equipment: he checks the pool of water and gets it to safely douse him when he regains normal orientation. Obviously, Bohannon is one skilled pilot who can withstand freezing water showers while flying upside down.

If you’re sick of hearing about the Ice Bucket Challenge, there’s already another bucket challenge to add to your list: The Rice Bucket Challenge by Manju Latha Kalanidhi that’s trying to gain steam in poverty-stricken India.

Poverty in India is a terrible problem that needs to be addressed, but involving members of the poor for the sake of social media photos might be more complicated than it looks. Perhaps it will bring attention to the problem, but it may do so at the cost of flaunting the dire conditions of those in need — all for the sake of social charity. The last thing I want to do is share someone’s face on Facebook as they accept free rice. I did, however, take the time to play this game on FreeRice. All you have to do is answer English vocabulary questions and the site donates free rice to the World Food Organization. FreeRice also has a secondary goal of educating users who are learning English. The funds come from advertisers on the site.

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Sites for Housewives Helping to Stay Attractive and Interesting for Kids and Husband

housewives helping sites Sites for Housewives Helping to Stay Attractive and Interesting for Kids and Husband

Let’s begin our entry with accurate numbers, as they never lie and it’s useless to argue with them. So, attention please: British housewives spend almost half their leisure time online – more than any other social group in the world, according to research on internet social lives.

The global online poll of more than 27,000 people in 16 countries revealed that UK housewives spend 47% of their free time surfing the internet, compared with 39% for students around the world and 32% for the unemployed. Very impressive isn’t it? Now you see why we decided to choose this group of websites targeted specifically at housewives. This is a huge auditory with its own interests, wishes and requirements. Sure enough that website owners as well as developers should take into consideration its specific preferences.

We tried to make a brief analysis of possible housewives spheres of interest and were surprised with their variety. Staying at home moms need to take care of the whole family and it’s not that easy. Just remember the time when you were a kid. Your mother had to be a cook, a psychologist, a seamstress, an economist, a teacher, a doctor, a travel agent, an interior designer, a driver, a cleaner and many other pros in one person. And don’t forget that housewives are women, first of all. They want to wear trendy clothes, jewels, stay young, healthy, stay slim and seductive. So, the circle of housewives’ interests becomes larger with every thought we put down here.

Don’t you start thinking that almost each website design should be oriented on attracting housewives? In fact, the truth is somewhere near. We tried to make a list of the nice websites that can be hypothetically popular among the women staying at home. We hope they will spark your creativity somehow.

Now, let’s try to enumerate some web design tips you may use in your housewives oriented projects.

1. Visual aesthetics.

Don’t forget about delicate female’s nature. Women are drawn to the beautiful things, so if your website is aesthetically appealing, it won’t stay unnoticed.

2. Color choice.

Female top 3 favorite colors are: blue, purple and green.

Female top 3 least favorite colors are: orange, brown and grey.

Women are also strongly drawn to the blue-green mix of turquoise.

Research also shows that 56% of men and 76% of women preferred cool colors, and 51% men and 45% women chose bright colors.

Scientists have noticed that men prefer blue to red and women red to blue. Another difference is that yellow color had a higher effective value for the men than for women.

Men are more tolerant about colorless colors than women. At the same time women are more color-conscious and their tastes are more flexible.

3. Simple navigation.

Females would sooner abandon the website than rack their brains over the question how it works. This happens not because women are not so smart or well-educated; they just find easier ways in order not to waste their time in vain.

4. Concise texts and large fonts.

Moms have plenty of housework to do, so they just can’t afford reading infinite content. Sometimes it’s enough for them to read the essential headlines written in bold type to understand if the website can be of any use for them.

5. Many quality images.

Photos are illustrative, they explain website’s message much better than any words.

6. Relevant content.

If a woman is searching for the latest fashion trends or the quickest cooking recipes, just give the desired information to her, otherwise, she will find it somewhere else.

7. Emotional side.

Most of women are much more vulnerable than they even show. They cry easily over sad stories, laugh at the funny jokes and make no bones about showing their affection on public. It’s easier to touch female’s emotional strings and you should use this peculiarity of their nature.

8. Cute things.

This point can be understood different ways. We have already mentioned fine imagery. It’s in females’ nature to compare themselves with top models having ideal proportions, for instance. They believe that this or that training complex, erotic lingerie, fancy clothing and accessories, fashionable hairstyle, make up and similar details will make them look like beauty queens. So, if you offer something of the kind, you should advertise it in the cutest possible manner.

Here are great, good-looking websites having all chances to be popular among the housewives. Browse them and tell us what you think.


Pole dance? Why not? The classes will help you stay fit, healthy and always desired for your husband.

Jeff and Megan

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Making an online family (wedding) portfolio will refresh your feelings and show your beloved people how much you love them.


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Fishing can become your family hoppy that will unite all its members.

Project Skin

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Aesthetic laser medicine will help you stay young and look beautiful all lifelong.

Social Playground

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Social media activity is also a great occupation able to add value to your family life.


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A good housewife should manage family budget like a pro. Sites like this one can help you to get the necessary knowledge.


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All women like jewels and, of course, housewives are not an exception.


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Housewives deal with house repairing and design too. Here is an inspiring website for the purpose.


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Want to dine out of house today? Choose the restaurant online and invite your husband for a romantic date.

Lois Jeans

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Need to buy new clothes for the family? E-Commerce stores considerably simplify such tasks.


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Luxury hair contributes to our image. It doesn’t matter whether you work at the office or stay at home, your hair style should be perfect.


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Baby’s bootees are also mother’s concern. These are so cute, aren’t they?

My Style My Look

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Find helpful advice on trendy style and look here.

Bella Italia

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Do you like Italian cuisine? Feast your family with pizza, pasta or grill! Happy pastime will work well for your friendly relations.


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Reading books you will always have interesting topics for discussion with family members.


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Have fun together with your kids and this cute dancing robot!

Rainbow Nursery

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Need a nursery for your kids? Choose the best one, like this, for instance.

Cornell University

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Caring about you kids’ future? Choose the right University together with them. This will help your children show up themselves and get a well-paid job in the future.

Whale Lifestyle

housewives helping sites 19 Sites for Housewives Helping to Stay Attractive and Interesting for Kids and Husband

Here you will find a little bit of everything (food and drink, entertainment, travel, current events, art and design, culture, fashion and style, philanthropy, home and garden, sports, etc.) to discuss in the cozy family circle.

Paint Box

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Be beautiful and stylish from hairs to tiptoes, your husband will appreciate that.


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Learn to cook like a chef for your family, they will love that.


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Study all guides showcased on this site and travel safely all over the world.

M Power

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Need additional relaxation, fitness and meditation? Yoga will help you to cope with everyday routine, pressure and stress.


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Want a magnificent residence to live? Search for it here or on similar sites.

Los Angeles Times

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Know what happens in your city and round the globe, this will make you an erudite interlocutor.

Warp 25

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Attending music festivals? Why not? It’s a wonderful way to change the common environments.

The Dissolve

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Be in the course of movie and theatre releases in order not to miss a grandiose event.

Did you like our websites for housewives collection? Do you think they can really help them cope with a bunch of issues they face every day? Do you have anything to add to our tips for stay at home moms’ website design? Speak up! Your viewpoint will be really appreciated. In the long run, we write all our blog posts for your practical benefit.

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