Five years after the first edition of Logo Design Love was published, the second edition is now available. A huge thank you to the following people and studios.
160over90 (@160over90)
Adrian Hanft
Andrew Sabatier (@andrewsabatier)
Antonio Carusone (@AisleOne)
Believe in (@believeindesign)
Blair Enns (@blairenns)
Bravo Company (@bravo_company)
Brian Alexander Gray
Bunch (@BunchDesign)
David Hyde
Gerard Huerta (@gerardhuerta)
Glad Creative (@GladCreative)
High Tide (@HighTideNY)
ico (@icodesign)
id29 (@id29)
Ivan Chermayeff
Jerry Kuyper
johnson banks (@johnsonbanks)
Jon Large
Kevin Burr (@KevinBurr)
Lindon Leader (@LindonLeader)
Maggie Macnab (@MaggieMacnab)
Malcolm Grear Designers (@MGDesigners)
MetaDesign (@MetaDesignSF)
Moon Brand
Moving Brands (@movingbrands)
Nancy Wu (@nancywudesign)
Pentagram (@pentagram)
Richard Weston (@AceJet170)
Roy Smith (@F1REBRAND)
Sagmeister & Walsh (@sagmeisterwalsh)
smashLAB (@smashLAB)
SomeOne (@SomeOnes_Tweet)
Stephen Lee Ogden
Thoughtful Studios
UnderConsideration (@ucllc)
It’s a pleasure including your work and thoughts.
And much respect to Nikki, Cathy, Danielle, Liz, and David — the team behind the publishing scenes.
See more inside spreads. Available to buy from these booksellers.
The post To the contributors appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.