In the latest Media Beat from MediabistroTV, Beth Troutman, host of the viral video show Right This Minute, tells how the show unearths videos before they go viral.
The show found the now-viral video of Sadie when it only had a few views. (At the time of this writing, it has almost 28 million views.) ICYMI: click here for adorableness. Right This Minute talked to Sadie’s mom to find out why she was so upset.
“People want to know, when they see these videos, ‘Why would they do that?’ “How did he do that?’ ‘What happened when the camera stopped rolling?’” explained Troutman.
To find out more about Sadie (and the subjects of other viral videos), check out the interview above.
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The post Right This Minute Goes Behind the Scenes of Viral Videos appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.