2014年8月28日 星期四

Visual Content Is Shaping the Future of Social Media [Infographic]

visualcontent Visual Content Is Shaping the Future of Social Media [Infographic]

In the beginning, the Internet was just words and code. Today, sites like Pinterest are driving the digital medium and the explosion of visual content. Even Twitter, which started as a place to post short and simple messages, now has images for a more visual experience. Indeed, the future of digital media is upon us — and it’s rich with visual content.

According to an infographic from Oracle, there are five tweets per second that include a Vine link. The acquisitions of Tumblr and Vizify point to an increased interest in interactive media and infographics, with Yahoo investing in visual media.

Check out the infographic below to find out more about how visual content is shaping the future of social media:

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The post Visual Content Is Shaping the Future of Social Media [Infographic] appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.
