Centralpack created this ferocious label for Encaste Wine. The packaging sticks to a dichromatic design that hones in on a crude gold line drawing of a bull’s head in a charging stance. With the same technique, the beast is repeatedly circled with a transparent texture representing the energy or aura of the creature. The base color of label and cap is a black that camouflages into the tinted bottle, adding a mysterious factor to the product.
“Encaste personifies a wine from a city and a land whose traditions lie deep in the ambiance of classical Rome. The sunlight, the climate, the culture, and above all, the ancient art of the bull; all ensure that the Cabernet Sauvignon vine, from which issues this wine, represents the character and the profundity of this ancient land, where the bull´s head blazes from the bridge over Ronda´s great gorge. Its twelve months of pampered rest in barrels of French oak produces a wine of great beauty to the eye, profound balsamic aromas, a mellow hint of wood and a flavor that is both deep and serious. ”
Designed by Centralpack
Client: Encaste Wine
Country: Spain
Design and Concept: Hugo Zapata
Photos: Hugo Zapata
The post Encaste Wine appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.