2014年7月1日 星期二

Social Media Newsfeed: Facebook Moods Study | Twitter Buys Tap Commerce

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Controversy Over Facebook Emotional Manipulation Study Grows As Timeline Becomes More Clear (Forbes)

In a controversial study Facebook reported the results of a massive psychological experiment on 689,003 users. Most of us who covered the story relied on that statement from the academic journal for evidence of Facebook’s efforts to gain informed consent. Well, it turns out that was wrong. NBC News “Facebook could be doing this sort of manipulation all the time, and the fact is they probably are,” Adi Kamdar, activist at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, told NBC News. “We as users should use the publication of this study as a glimpse into the sort of power that Facebook has.” The Wall Street Journal Susan T. Fiske, the study’s editor and a professor of psychology and public affairs at Princeton University, said she had ethical concerns about the study because the researchers could be considered to be manipulating people’s moods. She said her concerns were allayed after the authors told her the study didn’t need a full review by Cornell’s Institutional Review Board because it was based on “pre-existing data,” that had been de-identified, so the users were anonymous to the researchers. The Washington Post Facebook’s current data use policy says user information can be used for “internal operations” including “research.” However that’s not what it said in 2012 when the study was conducted. USA Today People may be as mad as hell at Facebook for running a massive psychological experiment on hundreds of thousands of unsuspecting users. But none of them are mad enough to delete their accounts.

Twitter Buys Ad-Tech Startup Tap Commerce for $100M (VentureBeat)

Social network Twitter has reportedly acquired mobile advertising technology firm Tap Commerce. The social network apparently paid about $100 million for Tap Commerce.

Royal Dutch Airlines Wins World Cup Twitter Fail (SocialTimes)

The Netherlands’ KLM airlines, also known as Royal Dutch, angered the Twittersphere by posting a racially insensitive tweet after the Dutch World Cup team managed to win against Mexico in the last six minutes of Sunday’s match. While real-time marketing is today’s in-strategy, for some brands, during some events, a smarter tactic is to not say anything at all.

‘Buy Now’ Buttons Start Appearing in Tweets. Is Twitter Shopping Finally Here? (Re/code)

Two things stand out about the sneakers pictured in a screenshot from Twitter. First, their list price is a cool $170 million (though we imagine that’s a glitch). Second, there’s a “Buy now” button included in the tweet.

World Cup: More Than 1B Posts, Comments, Likes on Facebook, from 220M Users (AllFacebook)

The number of Facebook posts, comments and likes related to 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil has officially topped the 1 billion mark, from some 220 million users, according to the Facebook Data Science Team. The top 20 Facebook posts from players that generated the most likes came from five players.

Google to Kill Social Network Orkut (CNET)

Google on Monday announced that it will shut down social network Orkut — which had been mostly popular outside the United States — at the end of September. The service launched in 2004, the same year as Facebook, and is a hub for online interactions and photo sharing.

‘Community’ Picked Up By Yahoo! (LostRemote)

Greendale Community College is reopening its doors — on Yahoo! The cancelled NBC sitcom “Community” has been picked up by Yahoo for a 13-episode sixth season.

On the Next Docket: How the First Amendment Applies to Social Media (The New York Times)

Now there is a new challenge looming on the docket for the term that starts in October, one that will require the court to consider how the First Amendment applies to social media. The case concerns Anthony Elonis, who was prosecuted for making threats on Facebook in the form of rap lyrics after his wife left him in 2010.

Likes, Clickthroughs and Retweets Most Important Social Strategy Metrics for Brands [Study] (AllTwitter)

How do you measure the success of your social media strategy? If you’re like more than four in five brands, it’s by the numbers of Facebook lkes, link clickthroughs and Twitter retweets your campaigns receive, suggests a new study.

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