2014年7月1日 星期二

Was Grandma a Diseased Slut?

Poster Set 1

Wartime propaganda posters have always been the Hallmark of emotion-wrenching images and frightening copy to persuade people to fight, kill, sacrifice and, in the case of these World War 2 posters, fear sex more than the enemy.

Illustrated by the top artists of the day and designers using the 12 apparently unkernable fonts available in the 1940s, these posters would sway a generation to accept hard times at home, support the troops and pray they’d return home to applause and to just a clap… THE clap!

WW2 VD Propaganda Posters

Show these posters at the next family dinner and ask grandpa if he dallied with loose women in Europe or were they just whores? Question grandma about her “boyfriends” in the army, then sit back and enjoy the shouting, accusations and unending crying fits.

Grandpa’s “pistol” was “cocked and loaded?” I guess that’s why an entire regiment will be going into battle… the battle of a burning sensation when they urinate!

Poster Set 2

Somewhere someone recognizes one of those models as their grandmother, which will bring an abrupt end to kissing her on her birthday.

Poster Set 3

Of course there’s a medicine for regret… bourbon and MORE easy women! At least they didn’t have to choose between Syphilis and Gonorrhea. Our fighting men deserved the best!

Poster Set 4

“Booby” trap! Huh-huh! Well, at least there’s only a chance the woman on the right MAY be a bag of trouble. In any case, she’s a cum-dumpster, so it’s worth the gamble before one storms the beach or jumps behind enemy lines, which had their own risks.

Poster Set 5

Injecting Mercury was safer than an STD? At least the latter had some fun, first! As for being full of germs… who isn’t?

Poster Set 6

“Juke Joint Sniper” was a huge hit in 1942 and originally sung by Hitler and Tojo, who formed a singing duo before the war. Had their fame been a little bigger, who knows if the war could have been avoided?

Poster Set 7

Yes, smash organized prostitution by going directly to independent contractors for your sex. It keeps the money in the community! If venereal disease covers the Earth, then why bother using protection at all? Just eating a hamburger or mailing a letter will give you the clap.

Poster Set 8

Aside from the probably gay sailors in the poster above, these soldiers may also be “in the know”… if you KNOW what I mean! As for 98% of all procurable women (do you put into the quartermaster for one like you would extra socks or a shirt?), apparently all you have to do is stay away from blondes in black dresses, which would be nearly impossible for me. Not so easy for disembodied heads.

Historical Footnote — According to the article “The Enemy in Your Pants” (Mother Jones):

Army medical records dating back to the Revolutionary War show significant soldier losses due to venereal diseases. In a two-year period during the Civil War, the Union Army documented 100,000 cases of gonorrhea. During World War I, the Army lost 7 million person-days and discharged more than 10,000 men because they were ailing from STDs. Once Penicillin kicked in in the mid-1940s, such infections were treatable. But as a matter of national security, the military started distributing condoms and aggressively marketing prophylactics to the troops in the early 20th century.

The military took its prophylactics campaign seriously, but that didn’t mean its VD posters couldn’t have a little fun. One US Navy training film from 1942, USS VD: Ship of Shame, urged sailors to “put it on before you put it in.”

The post Was Grandma a Diseased Slut? appeared first on DICKLEUNG DESIGN 2014.
